With DEVCON1 just a week away, the teams are enthusiastic and preparing to exhibit all the fantastic tools and technology that the ecosystem presents. There will be hundreds of developers and numerous presentations featuring Nick Szabo, Vitalik Buterin, and Marley Gray from Microsoft. Tickets are restricted and we expect to reach full capacity, so if you have not yet registered, make your way to https://devcon.ethereum.org to reserve your spot now!
TurboEthereum has launched version 1.0.0 of the C++ tools. Progress has been made on state trie pruning and enhancing network protocols (PV 62 & 63). Several Mix issues have been resolved and the crew is working on refining the build/release procedure.
Geth is preparing for the 1.3.0 release while continuing to develop new functionalities such as RPC with push support and Natural Language Specification (NatSpec), which will provide users with more user-friendly confirmation messages. Optimizations for filter searching have been implemented, enhancing access speed to historical logs.
Pyethapp is progressing, introducing several upgrades to user services and RPC performance this week.
Efforts towards finalizing Swarm accounting & incentive systems are underway, along with a whitepaper detailing research findings. Initial integration of Swarm with IPFS as a data repository has commenced in the clients.
Light client/mobile
New network protocols that facilitate fast syncing are quickly developing and will serve as the foundation for future light clients, assisting new users in connecting to the network in just a few minutes.
Wallet Beta 3 will be available soon, featuring contract deployment and custom token support. Both Go and C++ clients are integrated, allowing users a choice between consensus implementations.
The first proof-of-concept of formal verification for Solidity contracts is now accessible with the why3 tool. Increased focus has been given to internal types like tuples. Updated documentation can be found online at https://ethereum.github.io/solidity/docs/home/