This is it: Final appeals represent the ultimate opportunity to secure your ticket to Osaka for Devcon 5
Note: Every individual taking part in the on-chain Devcon Ticket Raffle and Auction will obtain an NFT-ticket to Devcon5! In the forthcoming days, your ERC-721 will be issued to the addresses utilized in the on-chain transactions, and we’ll publish a post explaining how to access your ticket. For assistance with this procedure or other inquiries concerning the on-chain ticketing methods, reach out to
In recent months, we’ve tried numerous approaches to place Devcon tickets into the hands of Ethereum community members and the general public. This year, our small team has managed Builder, Student, Scholar, Speaker, Sponsor, and Press submissions, and we’ve embarked on a journey through three public waves, an on-chain raffle, and an on-chain auction. Given that a small fraction of ticket codes from these efforts remain unclaimed, we now have a limited reserve that will be reallocated for a final appeals process.
The process for the Final Appeals window will be similar to that of last year for those who participated. To enter, simply complete the form located at the bottom of this page. After that, we’ll evaluate the submissions for outstanding situations (share a bit about why you want to attend!), and then randomly choose as many submissions as we have available spots.
All approved applications will receive a voucher code that will be valid for a period of 48 hours. Once these codes expire, another group of applicants will have a chance to check-out.
By next week, we’ll have distributed the final Devcon passes, and the one-month countdown to coming together in Osaka will commence. We appreciate your support, for being on this journey with us, and we look forward to seeing you soon.
Devcon5 Final Ticket Appeals Form
Opens: Now live
Ends: Friday, September 6, 2019, at 11:59 PM Pacific Time (US)
devcon team