It’s always exciting to learn about newly awarded grants, however what transpires after the announcement? In this series, we will follow up on initiatives that are progressing well – or have already reached completion. Continue reading to discover some recent benchmarks and accomplishments by recipients!
The Baseline initiative is establishing a protocol that enables companies to harmonize their records and minimize expensive errors in B2B dealings. It utilizes the Ethereum Mainnet as a shared point of reference, while safeguarding sensitive business logic and information private through zero-knowledge proofs. The project is part of the Ethereum OASIS. First initiated in March 2020 by a consortium of 15 teams, Baseline is now managed by representatives from more than 30 firms and organizations. Currently in v0.1.0, which was released in August 2020, Baseline already provides numerous tools for enterprise users such as:
The financial support awarded to Baseline was designated for the newly announced Baseline Protocol Grants program, overseen by Baseline’s governing bodies through Open Collective to bolster ongoing research, development, and implementation.
Keep up with Baseline’s developments on Twitter @baselineproto, contribute on Github or join conversations on Discord, Slack and Telegram.
Aztec for PLONK
The Aztec group is pioneering advancements in the realm of zero knowledge as the developers of PLONK, an effective and universal SNARK architecture, alongside its evolutions TurboPlonk and UltraPlonk. Aztec was granted funding in August 2020 for their progress on PLONK and the Rust-based Noir language designed for programmable privacy within a PLONK rollup. Aztec has achieved significant milestones lately with PLONK and Noir serving as central components, including:
There’s much more in store from Aztec – keep track of their accomplishments on Twitter @aztecnetwork, on Github AztecProtocol, or participate in the Discord.