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Critical Security Alert: Update Your Go and Python Clients to Address DoS Vulnerabilities

The state transition and consensus problem in the Geth client triggers a panic (crash) when handling a (valid) block containing a particular arrangement of transactions, which could lead to overall network instability if the block is accepted and propagated by unaffected clients, thus creating a DoS. This scenario may occur in a block that includes transactions that self-terminate to the block reward address.

Impaired configurations: This issue has been noted for Geth. During the examination of this problem, related issues were identified and rectified in pyethereum, meaning pyethapp is also compromised. C++ clients remain unaffected.

Probability: Low

Severity: High

Complexity: High

Consequences: Network Instability and DoS

Information: A block with a certain arrangement of transactions that incorporate one or more SUICIDE calls, although valid, results in a panic crash in the go-ethereum client and failure in pyethereum. Additional information may be provided as it becomes available.

Impact on anticipated chain reorganisation depth: None.

Actions taken by Ethereum: Provision of corrections as outlined below.

Suggested temporary solution: Transition to an unaffected client such as eth (C++).

Resolution: Update the geth and pyethereum client software.

go-ethereum (geth):

Please be aware that the current stable version of geth is now 1.1.1; if you are operating version 1.0 and utilizing a package manager such as apt-get or homebrew, the client will be updated.

If using the PPA: sudo apt-get update then sudo apt-get upgrade

If employing brew: brew update then brew reinstall ethereum

If utilizing a Windows binary: download the updated binary.

If building from source: git pull followed by make geth (please use the Master branch commit 8f09242d7f527972acb1a8b2a61c9f55000e955d)


The precise version for this update on Ubuntu AND OSX is Geth/v1.1.1-8f09242d


Users of pyethapp should reinstall

> pip install pyethapp –force-reinstall

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