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Microsoft Backs Ethereum’s DEVCON1: A Game-Changer for Tech Innovation

London, United Kingdom, October 28th – Ethereum is pleased to declare that Microsoft will be sponsoring and participating in DΞVCON1, the leading Ethereum developer conference.

Marley Gray, Director of Technology Strategy for US Financial Services at Microsoft stated, “Microsoft is thrilled to sponsor and take part in Ethereum’s DevCon1. We regard the Ethereum blockchain as immensely potent and eagerly anticipate collaborating with the Ethereum Community. We envision a future where the integration of Microsoft Azure and Ethereum can foster innovative platforms such as Blockchain-as-a-Service. This will act as a pivotal moment to introduce blockchain technology to enterprise clients.”

Ethereum’s founder, Vitalik Buterin, mentions, “DΞVCON1 is eagerly looking forward to collaborating with Microsoft, and we are excited to welcome them in London.”

DΞVCON1 will take place from November 9th-13th at Gibson Hall in London, UK. The event will encompass five days of technical discussions and activities focusing on research and core protocols, decentralized application (dApp) creation, and the implications for industry and society.

Ethereum operates as a decentralized blockchain protocol that implements smart contracts: applications that execute precisely as intended without any chance of interruptions, censorship, fraud, or external interference.

Ethereum represents how the Internet was meant to function.


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