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Unveiling the EPF Study Group: A Collaborative Learning Journey

The Ethereum Protocol Fellowship (EPF) is an initiative aimed at lowering the obstacles for developers keen on engaging with the fundamental protocol. As core developer (and EPF founder) Piper Merriam often remarks, the entrance is humorously wide open. EPF assists you in stepping through it.

Throughout the last two cohorts, one of the most common requests we have received from applicants & participants was for improved onboarding resources. Josh and Mario, the EPF coordinators, are thrilled to unveil the establishment of the EPF study group (EPFsg): a 10-week educational series designed to serve as a precursor to the Ethereum Protocol Fellowship (the fifth cohort is on the horizon 🔜). EPFsg is crafted to mentor and cultivate the next generation of Ethereum core developers, providing an in-depth comprehension of Ethereum’s intrinsic mechanics.

Bridging the Gap

Grasping the Ethereum protocol is a multifaceted yet vital endeavor. The study group aspires to bridge this chasm by presenting a syllabus concentrated on every facet of the Ethereum stack & roadmap.

Ethereum Protocol Studies Program Overview

Program Details

The EPF study group operates as a live webinar-style program, comprising two stages. The first stage will consist of one 90-minute session per week and will emphasize a general overview of Ethereum’s foundational architecture. In the subsequent stage, participants will select between the research or development tracks (or both). Each track will feature its own weekly 90-minute session and delve deeply into the selected subject.

Throughout the study group, participants will enhance their understanding of Ethereum’s core protocol, exploring themes that include:

  • Protocol design
  • Execution and Consensus layer framework, specifications, and implementations
  • Testing techniques and tools
  • Ongoing research and roadmap topics:
    • Verkle trees
    • Sharding
    • MEV
    • Proof of stake enhancements
    • State and history expiration

Every online session will be directed by current core developers and researchers from various client teams and research groups, accompanied by pre-meeting reading materials to familiarize you with the topic and terminology, as well as post-meeting exercises to reinforce and solidify your comprehension.

Moreover, participants will collaboratively create a detailed wiki, functioning as a dynamic knowledge repository for both current and future core developers. This endeavor will equip students with hands-on experience in contributing to open-source resources while acquiring invaluable skills in documentation and community-driven development.

Who is Protocol Studies for?

Although this program is structured to serve as a precursor to the Ethereum Protocol Fellowship, this study group welcomes anyone eager to delve deeper into the intricacies of the Ethereum Protocol. Individuals with a general understanding or experience using Ethereum and/or blockchains, as well as those possessing some background in computer science, technical skills, or development will find the most benefit from this program.

Enroll in the Ethereum Protocol Fellowship study group here.

— Josh Davis & Mario Havel | EPF Coordination

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